Poverty Alleviation Program

Microcredit :

SATU feels that to develop the rural population economically, side by side with agriculture it is necessary to create multifarious income opportunity or employment opportunities. To meet this end, it is necessary to organize them, increase their awareness and skills and provide them with necessary capital for various activities.  Realizing this fact, to engage the poor population with the development efforts, SATU from 1994 started the micro-credit program with the financial support from different donors. Subsequently, with the support of Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) the program is being extended further and got momentum.

SATU believes that if the concept of development can be stimulated within the target population and integrated realistic plan is undertaken, it is possible to get out of hunger and poverty.

To alleviate poverty, SATU is implementing the following programs at the field level:


Besides, to get free from the risk of credit program, Risk Prevention Program (RPP) is being implemented.

Under the above programs the following activities are being implemented:

  • Group Formation
  • Savings Fund Generation
  • Awareness and Skill Development Training
  • Micro-credit

1. Buniad :

Those who are only dependent on daily labor, permanently have no house to live e.g slum dwellers, people who have lost their household due to river erosion, people who are living on river embankments, people who are illiterate and lack awareness, have no resources, have no skills, women head of the family who are dependent on others, women who are divorced, women who are widows, women who are abandoned by their husband, women who are helpless etc.- these categories of people have been organized and  brought under this program.  Until now these categories of people was detached from the mainstream development.  Due to awareness, proper planning and lack of capital these people was not able to improve their socio-economic condition. Currently, under the Buniad program they have been organized and included in the development efforts. As a result of employment creation and increase in family income in working areas the number of ultra-poor families is reducing.

The objectives of this program are –

  • Improving skills and awareness;
  • To increase incomes provide necessary capital;
  • To improve the standard of living;
  • To reduce poverty.

SATU with the financial assistance of partner organization, Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) extensively started this program in 2005 with the target population to develop them. The people who are helpless, illiterate, having no resources of their own have already proved that given the proper training and assistance they are fully able to develop their socio-economic condition like others in the society. As of December 31, 2015, SATU is implementing this program in 3 districts in 27 Upazilas at 162 Unions in 674 villages within 1080 somities (groups). To increase the skills of the group members, training is being provided to them on goat & poultry rearing and tailoring science. Under the Buniad Project until December 31, 2015 now a total of Tk.98.47 core have been disbursed as loan to 43,275 group members through 1,01,980 credit loans.

Achievements of the program are as follows:

    # Active participation in the mainstream development efforts;

    # Improve awareness and skills;

    # Through savings create capital;

    # Increased income for the families;

    # Improve the standard of living.

2. Jagoran :

Rural suburb areas poor people who are engaged in milch cow & goat rearing, poultry rearing, vegetable cultivation, beef fattening, bamboo & cane furniture making, handicrafts, tailoring, stitch & embroidery, small trade, fish culture and various income generating activities under the current banking system are deprived of getting loans from the bank. Organizing these types of people through group formation SATU is implementing the “Rural Micro-credit and City Micro-credit program. Currently this program is implemented in the name “Jagoron”. As of December 31, 2015, under 7 districts in 27 Upazilas at 140 Unions in 1161 villages SATU has been implementing this project. Mainly, the aim of this program is poverty alleviation and over & above to reduce poverty through providing capital to the rural poor population utilizing their working ability, skill and use of local resources.

The objectives of this program are to-

  • Create capital through savings motivation of the target people;
  • Business expansion;
  • Create employment and income source;
  • Diversification of produce products;
  • Involve in innovative development.

From 2005, SATU with the financial assistance of partner organization, PKSF under 7 districts in 29 Upazilas at 191 Unions/Municipalities in 1,423 villages within 1,42,149 organized group members through 3,91,640 loans until December 31, 2015,  in total 562.47 core taka has been disbursed. SATU by implementing the Jagoran project has been very helpful for small businessman.

The achievements of the program are as follows:

    Through savings accumulation of own capital;

    Create new micro initiatives;

    Increase in family income and Creation of employment;

    Create family resources;

    Improvement of standard of life that includes food, nutrition and treatment;

3. Agrosor :

Under the rural and urban micro-credit program, those members who became successful in utilizing and repaying more than one consecutive loan, have improved financially, opened opportunities for multiple employment and above all trying to make the foundation of the rural economy strong, mainly for these members to move ahead with their economic efforts, SATU is implementing “Micro Enterprise Development” program. Under the micro-enterprise loan program, type of project proposal, market probability, impact on environment, future improvement probability, creating employment opportunity etc. issues are being taken into consideration and potential members are provided with loans ranging from Tk.40,000/- to 8,00,000/-. From 2005, SATU with the support of Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) is implementing the “Micro Enterprise Development program. The program is now known as Agrosor project. Under the project, with the support of partner organization PKSF, as of December 31, 2015 under 7 districts in 29 Upazilas at 191 unions in 1423 villages within 1,478 groups/somities among 15,191 group members a total of 186.37 core taka have been disbursed as loans. The objectives of micro-enterprise program are: Development of Innovation activities; Creation of Production orientated initiatives;; Creation of multiple Employments;   Is meeting the demands of the people and market; To make the foundation of the rural economy more strong, with the assistance of Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), SATU is implementing the micro entrepreneurship project.

 Type of micro-entrepreneur loan distributed

SL# Name of Enterprise Loan Disbursed (Tk. In lacs) SL# Name of Enterprise Loan Disbursed (Tk. In lacs.)
1. Small Trade 102,49,79,000 17. Oil mill 71,40,000
2. Livestock rearing 12,74,2,1000 18. Shopping bag 30,30,000
3. Poultry rearing 7,55,60,000 19. Candle making 1,35,10,000
4. Food processing 3,74,39,000 20. Distributor/Dealer 1,93,20,000
5. Small & Cottage Industry 6,94,92,000 21. Fertilizer Dealer 73,97,000
6. Agriculture 5,87,35,000 22. Jewelry 2,78,14,000
7. Fish culture 3,21,18,000 23. Limestone processing 27,28,000
8. Transport 6,14,53,000 24. Chemical making 57,10,000
9. Medicine 8,39,79,000 25. Hotel business 1,88,48,000
10. Electrical 2,58,60,000 26. Mobile phone, Fax 3,75,22,000
11. Mechanical 1,02,00,000 27. Manufacturing dry cell battery 71,20,000
12. Clinic/Pathology 77,98,000 28. Shoe Making 73,35,000
13. Readymade Garments 3,61,58,000 29. Weaving Industry 2,49,50,000
14. Making Shaving Brush 18,70,000 30. Chips making 21,66,000
15. Cartoon manufacturing 29,90,000 31. Tailoring & Butick 15,30,000
16. House Building 89,60,000 32. Bakery 1,26,00,000
Total: 1,86,37,32,000

Achievements of the Agrosor project are as follows:     # Production oriented establishments are growing;     # Produced goods are meeting the demands of the country;     # Skill improvement in initiative management;     # Created employment opportunities;     # Acquiring appropriate skills in running business establishments;     # Initiatives are taken to establish supporting industries.

4. Sufolon :

Most of the target population of SATU lives in the rural areas. To increase family income, this rural population always does some additional works/activities. SATU observed in the field level that organized rural people have lot of skill on seasonal work but due to lack of sufficient money they are unable to undertake those activities/works. As a result, having no additional income their economic situation remains unchanged. Considering the situation in 2005, with the support of Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) SATU started “seasonal loan” project under the micro-credit program. Primarily, under the rural micro-credit program, in 2005 considering the Eid-ul-Azha, on an experimental basis 30 group members was given Tk. 6,00,000 has been disbursed for beef fattening. The result of this initiative was very encouraging. Every loaner, by rearing cows and selling it before Eid made remarkable profit. Simultaneously, repayment rate of this loan was 100%.  With small capital within a short period through beef fattening and selling the cow at a higher price, beneficiaries are making more profit. The seasonal loan program is now named as “Sufalon”. Under the Sufalon loan program, beef fattening and boro rice cultivation, agriculture and vegetable cultivation are implemented significantly which the organization is playing an important role in increased agriculture production.

With the financial support of Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), SATU under the Sufolon loan project for beef fattening, agriculture and boro rice cultivation until December 31, 2015 has disbursed Tk. 74.04 cores among 41,672 group members. Due to greater demand of Sufolon loan, with the support of City Bank Limited and Southeast Bank Limited until December 31,2015 Tk.16.37 core has been disbursed among 9,633 group members. Through successful implementation of the program, not only self employment is being created among the poor, helpless and destitute population, side by side improvement in income, fulfillment of nutrition and socio-economic development have taken place or achieved.

5. Sahoas :

Natural and manmade disaster is a regular phenomenon in Bangladesh. Due to its frequent natural calamities it is regarded as a disaster prone country around the world. Also, due to its geographical location, the climatic changes in Bangladesh are quite difficult to understand and forecast. Moreover, due to imbalance environment the people of the country have to face natural disaster. Since agriculture is fully dependant on climate the country’s economy has also become dependent on the climate. The damage and destruction done by these natural calamities greatly influence the socio-economic condition and obstructs the sustainable development of the country.

To reduce the impact of disaster and to provide disaster rehabilitation assistance to the people affected by natural calamities, SATU has started the “Livelihood Restoration Program”. Under this program, people affected by disaster and to recover from the loss caused by the disaster and to face any disaster with courage necessary training and financial support is provided. Until December, 2015, among 4,483 disasters affected people in total Tk.56 lacs have been disbursed.  Apart from it, Disaster Management Program is now named as Sahoas project.

Besides SATU with the support of PKSF, under the Emergency Flood Restoration and Recovery Assistance Program (EFRRAP) for pre-preparation to face any disaster, repairing of houses, reinstallation & repairing of tube wells, reinstallation & repairing of sanitary latrines, starting of new business etc. until now among 7,647 group members a total of Tk. 2 core has been disbursed. Under Tangail district, in Delduar Upazila, SATU has also distributed corrugated iron sheets to families affected by fire. In cooperation with Tangail Municipility, SATU has distributed blankets among the poor cold affected people. In the working areas, SATU is participating and providing necessary support to the district and Upazila administration in observing disaster preparedness day. Disaster Management Program is now implemented under the name of  Sahoas program.

Group Formation :

The root of SATU’s development plan involves groups or somities that are recognized as rural organization. To alleviate poverty, SATU in its working area by uniting the poor, helpless, neglected, illiterate, unconscious, deprived women & men but especially women, groups are formed. From minimum age group of 18 years and maximum 45 years, a group is formed. Until December 31, 2015, SATU in total has formed and is working with 6,216 groups out of which 5,657 are women groups and 559 men groups. During weekly group meetings of every group, different current development and social issues are discussed. Group members are also informed about the different government and NGOs services available at the Union, Upazila and district level. Side by side the group are equally enlighten of their due rights in the family and society. As a result, their awareness has increased sense of leadership, confidence and friendly relationship is being created among them. They are being able to build themselves up as an active citizen and playing active role in the country’s development.

A comparative illustration of groups and its members during 2018, 2019 & 2020



Members (2018)

Members (2019)

Members (2020)

































































IGA (ENRICH Program)














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