Human Resources Development

Human Resources Development (HRD) :

Education rate in the country has increased. Empowerment of women is ongoing. But still large sections of the huge population are still unconscious and unskilled. SATU believes, if these unconscious and unskilled people can be made conscious and skilled, they will be able to play a vital role in the overall development of the country as well as themselves. Keeping in line with the employees’ guidelines or HR manual and giving greater importance to gender equality, SATU’s Human Resources Department is working with highly efficient, resourceful and dynamic employees.  For the employees, the human resource department quite efficiently provides orientation, training, salaries & benefits, placement of employees in the right designation, promotion, transfer, permanent placement, staff annual appraisal, awards and punishment etc. HRD with the assistance of SATU’s training department is working for the development of leadership, firm moral character and turn all its officials, employees and its organized group members into hard working force.

Apart from the above activities, HRD arranges training to the organized group member to improve their awareness and skills. It also arranges workshops as deemed necessary. Details are elaborated below.

Staff Development :

Staff Development: To make the organization’s structure strong and efficient and to fully implement the programs designed to develop the rural poor population, development of different categories of staff of SATU is a continuous process. As a part of this process, SATU’s training division conducts need-based training. To meet this end, SATU with its own trained and experienced training cell is providing 3/4 days foundation training to its entire newly recruited staff. Also as required by the organization, trainings are also provided to staff members from different donors and partner organizations like PKSF, INM, BRAC, MRA. Moreover, officials of different levels take part in different seminars, symposium, and workshop both at home and abroad and enrich themselves with knowledge, experience and skill. Besides, at the end of the year, refreshers training are also provided to comparatively weak staff from time to time.

Trainings, orientation, workshops implemented by partner organization “Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation” & SATU during 2019-2020

Trainings Imparted No. of batch No. of participants (Persons) Duration of training (Days) Funded by
Staff Development Training (Basic) 07 175 03 SATU
Accounts & Financial Management 07 175 03 SATU
Savings & Micro-Credit Management 01 25 03 SATU
Training On CIB Management 01 08 01 SATU
Orientation On Accounts & Financial Management 01 12 01 SATU
Workshop On Accounts 02 73 01 SATU
Microfinance Operation and Management 01 02 MRA
Training of Trainer (TOT) 02 05 PKSF
Software Based Monitoring & Supervision 03 04 PKSF
Ratio Analysis and Discussion Making 01 05 PKSF
Procurement and Inventory Management 01 05 PKSF
Effective Communication in the Workplace 01 03 CDF
Loan Management of Microenterprise 01 04 InM
VAT and TAX 02 05 PKSF
Operation & Management of Micro Enterprise 04 04 PKSF
Accounts & Financial Management 08 04 InM
Internal Audit for Operation of NGO-MFIs 05 05 PKSF
Risk Management 02 05 PKSF
Accounts for Non-Accounts 03 05 PKSF
Human Resource Management 03 014 PKSF

Organized Group Members (Beneficiaries) Development :

SATU, through organizing women into organized groups is implementing its activities with those women who are living beyond the poverty line, illiterate and subject to various superstitions, unconscious, economically depressed and socially and economically lagging behind.

SATU believes that only through increasing awareness this situation can be changed radically. In this regard, SATU in the weekly group meeting through different issue based discussion like women right, child right, gender relation development, early marriage, polygamy, dowry, local resources and its proper use, conflict resolution, leadership development, education, food and nutrition, proper sanitation, cleanliness, general diseases and prevention, problem identification and resolving strategy, decision making process and participation etc. is continually increasing the awareness of the group members. As a result sense of leadership and excising their due rights has been created among them.

In order to earn additional income of the organized group members, SATU with the financial assistance of PKSF under the FSVGD & FEDEC program  is providing training on poultry rearing, milch cow rearing, beef fattening, goat rearing , vegetable cultivation and tailoring along with other income generating activities.  By now, applying the knowledge learned in the trainings many of the group members have successfully increased their family earnings. In addition, some of them have successfully become micro entrepreneur.

With the assistance of PKSF, SATU under the FSVGD and Buniad program has imparted 18 days training on tailoring science at the field level. At the end of tailoring trainings, subject to discussion with the trainees, with the money saved from their daily allowance, 525 sewing machines have been distributed. SATU’s is regularly following up with the group members those who have received training. Loans as capital are provided from the concerned branch to the group members who have received training to start business or to expand their existing business. Through constant follow up necessary assistance is being provided for marketing of the produced goods.  From the trained members, quite a number of them after receiving loans from the organization is now involved in making readymade garments like salour kamiz, blouce, petticoat, frock etc. and with the assistance of their family head/husbands is selling the produced garments in different hats and bazars subsequently earning additional income for their families and new employment opportunities have been created. Besides, many of the trained members from their home are selling clothes or making dresses ordered by the local people and earning income for the family.



Name of TrainingNo. of BatchesNo. of TraineesName of ProjectDurationFunded By
Orientation on Group Discipline & Development04120Micro-credit01 daySATU
Beef fattening04120Micro-credit02 daysUFO/SATU
Workshop on Case of Due, Remedy & Prevent03120Micro-credit01 daySATU
Fish Cultivation0125Poverty Elevation02 daysUFO/SATU
Poultry Rearing0125Poverty Elevation02 daysUFO/SATU
Milch Cow Rearing0125Poverty Elevation02 daysUFO/SATU
Workshop on Leadership03150Poverty Elevation01 daySATU
Court Yard Meeting for Dengu Fever0398Social Development01 daySATU
Awareness Build Up of Rumor (Cutthroat)0390Social Development01 daySATU

Education Program :

Education is right for all not opportunity. In spite of giving highest priority in education by the government and different NGOs yet now desired achievement has not been possible. However, girls’ admission at the primary level has increased. To engage the people who are lagging behind in the society in the development efforts, there is no alternative to education. In the millennium development goal, the target for primary education for all has been set to be achieved by 2015. To meet this end, side by side with the Government of Bangladesh, the non-government development organizations are implementing different diversified positive steps in the education sector that resulted in considerable achievement. SATU from its inception, as a part of Human Resource Development has been implementing different education programs by self-financing and through financial support from donors and respective ministry of the government of Bangladesh. SATU from 1993 is implementing non-formal education programs as part of Human Resource Development. Under the Education Program, Basic Education, Pre-Primary Education, Primary Education, Working & Dropout Children Education, Boys & Girls and Adult Education, SATU has implemented the following education programs and is continuing.

PLCEHD (Post Literacy & Continuing Education for Human Development)

SATU’s Experimental PLCEHD program
SL No Particulars No of Center Number of Learners Duration (Years) Upazila District Remarks
Boys/Men Girls/ Women Total
01 Experimental PLCEHDP 02 60 60 120 1998-1999 Delduar Tangail Won Fund
Grand Total 02 60 60 120

SATU’s PLCEHD-1 Program Implementation is appended below
SL N0 Particulars No of Center Number of Learners Duration (Years) Upazila District
Boys/Men Girls/Women Total
01 PLCEHDP (Phase-3rd-B) 15 450 450 900 2003-04 Sirajgang Sader Sirajganj
02 PLCEHDP (Phase 3rd-B) 15 450 450 900 2003-04 Ishwarganj Mymensingh
Grand Total 30 900 900 1800

SATU’s PLCEHD-1 Program Monitoring is appended below
SL N0 Particulars No of Center Number of Learners Duration (Years) Upazila District
Men Women Total
01 PLCEHDP (Phase-3rd-5th-B) 30 900 900 1800 2003-06 Tarial Kishorgang
02 PLCEHDP (Phase 3rd-5th-B) 45 1350 1350 2700 2003-07 Belkuchi Sirajgang
Grand Total 75 2250 2250 4500

Education Scholarship Programme A summary of SATU’s Education Programs implemented from 1993 funded by DNFE is appended below:
SL No Particulars No of Center Number of Learners Duration (Years) Project Implementation Area
Boys/Men Girls/Women Total Upazila District
01. Basic Education (6-10 age) 30 180 720 900 1993-95 Delduar Tangail
Basic Education (6-10 age) 45 270 1080 1350 1994-95 Delduar Tangail
Basic Education (6-10 age) 60 360 1440 1800 1995-97 Delduar Tangail
Sub Total of SL# 01 135 810 3240 4050
02. Pre-Primary Education 15 195 255 450 1995 Delduar Tangail
Sub Total of SL# 02 15 195 255 450
03. Adolescent Education (11-14 age) 15 197 253 450 1994-96 Delduar Tangail
Sub Total of SL# 03 15 197 253 450
04. Adult Center (15-45 age) 14 280 280 1994 Delduar Tangail
Adult Center (15-45 age) 30 210 690 900 1995-97 Delduar Tangail
Adult Center (15-45 age) 15 280 320 600 1995-97 Delduar Tangail
Adult Center (15-45 age) 45 270 1080 1350 1996-97 Delduar Tangail
Sub Total of SL# 04 104 760 2370 3130
05. Adult Education Project 01, 1st. Phase 30 450 450 900 1996-97 Modhupur Tangail
Adult Education Project 01, 2nd. Phase 45 510 840 1350 1998-99 Modhupur Tangail
Adult Education Project 01, 3rd. Phase 120 1020 2580 3600 1998-99 Modhupur &,Fulbaria Tangail & Mymensingh
Adult Education Project 01, 4th. Phase 75 630 1620 2250 1999-00 Kalihati Tangail
Adult Education Project 01, 4th. (B) Phase 60 870 930 1800 2000-01 Jhenaigati Sherpur
Adult Education Project 01, 5th.Phase 195 2640 3210 5850 2000-01 Kalihati, Modhupur & Dewanganj Tangail & Jamalpur
Sub Total of SL# 05 525 6120 9630 15750
06. Adult Education Project-2, 1st. Phase 105 1410 1740 3150 1997-98 Kazipur & Kaliakoir Sirajganj & Gazipur
Adult Education Project-2, 2nd. Phase 90 600 2100 2700 1998-99 Kazipur Sirajganj
Adult Education Project-2, 3rd. Phase 90 1110 1590 2700 1999-00 Kazipur & Nakla Sirajganj & Sherpur
Adult Education Project-2, 4th. Phase 75 780 1470 2250 2000-01 Dhamrai Dhaka
Adult Education Project-2, 5th. Phase 75 780 1470 2250 2001-02 Dhamrai Dhaka
Sub Total of SL# 06 435 4680 8370 13050
Grand Total 1229 12762 24118 36880

A summary of SATU’s Non-Formal Primary Education Programs (ESP) funded by BRAC-EC is appended below:
SL No Particulars No of Center Number of Learners Duration (Years) Project Implementation Area
Boys/Men Girls/ Women Total Upazila District Remarks
01. Non-Formal Primary Education (NFPE) 55 330 1320 1650 1994-06 Tangail Sadar Tangail Implemented
02. Non-Formal Primary Education (NFPE) 02 30 30 60 2017-2019 Tangail Sadar Tangail On Going (Won Fund)
03. Non-Formal Primary Education (NFPE) 01 14 16 30 2018-2020 Tangail Sadar Tangail On Going (Won Fund)
04. Non-Formal Primary Education (NFPE) 01 13 17 30 2018-2020 Tangail Sadar Tangail On Going (Won Fund)
ToTal 59 387 1383 1770


SL No Class Result Remarks
01 Child 1 Nos 1st
02 Class 1 7 Nos 1st-1Nos, 2nd-2Nos, 3rd-1Nos, 6th-1Nos, 7th-1Nos, 9th-1Nos
03 Class 2 5 Nos 6th-2Nos, 7th-1Nos, 8th-1Nos, 9th-1Nos
04 Class 3 3 Nos 4th-1Nos, 5th-1Nos, 9th-1Nos
Total 16 Nos

A summary of SATU’s Education Program supported by International donors below:
SL No Particulars No of Center Number of Learners Duration (Years) Upazila District Donor
Boys/Men Girls/ Women Total
01. Women Empowerment Program 30 900 900 1993 Delduar Tangail Andheri Hilfe
02. Enlightenment of Child & Adolescent 04 50 150 200 1997 Pathrail & Delduar Tangail CIDA
03. Integrated Development Program for distressed women 20 600 600 1997 Patrail & Delduar Tangail Caritas-Netherlands
04. Women in Development 30 900 900 1999 Delduar Tangail APHD
05. Workers on Road Maintenance 14 118 118 2006 Modhupur & Kalihati Tangail Germany
06. Non-Formal Education for working children 17 158 504 662 2006 Tangail Sader & Kalihati Tangail ILO
Grand Total 115 208 3172 3380

With the financial assistance of Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), SATU from 2014 is implementing the Enhancing Resources and Increasing Capacities of Poor Household Towards Elimination of their Poverty (ENRICH) in Golabari Union under Modhupur Upazila. Under this project, within the concerned Union through 27 learning centers education support is continuing to children residing in the area. Apart from it, with the financial support of PKSF, scholarships have been provided to 58 meritorious students from Ultra Poor family groups each receiving Tk.3,000/- yearly that have been organized by SATU. In addition to implementing the above-mentioned education program, the organization with its own financial resource is continuing two schools that are providing non-formal primary education in the local government boys and girls family homes. SATU with its own initiative in 2015 have provided Taka 4 lacs 27 thousand to 62 students studying in schools, colleges and universities and until now has provided Taka 9 lacs 58 thousand 8 hundred to 176 students as support to continue their education. As a part of the education program, SATU is continuing to participate in different education events like International Education day organized by the district administration.
Name of the Registration intuition Registration Number Date of Registration
Directorate of Social Services TA-0541 March 15, 1992
NGO Affairs Bureau 795 December 29, 1993
Micro-Credit Regulatory Authority (MRA) 01300-00405-00047 September 05, 2007


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