Ensuring safe water supply, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) environments in Bangladesh is a cornerstone for its development. Poor WASH services are an important public health issue as a potential cause of acute water-borne morbidity and mortality. In addition, poor WASH services also have chronic implications on a country’s entire development process, holding back gains in human capital and the efficient use of labor that are necessary for sustainable development.
The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 6 aims to tackle challenges related to drinking water, sanitation and hygiene as well as to water-related ecosystems. Bangladesh has done remarkably well in ensuring access for its population to drinking water and sanitation over the years. Before the discovery of arsenic, the country enjoyed almost universal access to drinking water. Open defecation has been almost completely eradicated while access to ‘improved’ sanitation increased dramatically from 30 percent to 65 percent in rural areas over the period from 2000 to 2017. 1 Still, significant challenges remain in rural WASH in order to meet the SDG target 6 service standards that are recommended for maximizing human capital outcomes. Bangladesh has still a long way to go to meet the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of providing universal access to safe water and sustainable sanitation by 2030. The World Bank WASH Poverty Diagnostic examines the remaining challenges in ensuring access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene. Tackling these challenges is crucial because safe water and sustainable sanitation has a strong positive impact on health, education and development. Living in unsanitary environments increases the prevalence of stunted growth and stifles economic development. Without WASH, it will be difficult for the workers of the future to acquire the cognitive and socio-emotional skills they need.
The Government of Bangladesh through the ‘Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE)’ has been implementing the provision of safe and sustainable water services under different Projects (named BAMWSP, BWSPP, BRWSSP) financed by the World Bank primarily in rural Bangladesh. The World Bank had also implemented the OBA Sanitation Microfinance program project through PKSF in 238 Upazilas (sub-districts) of 43 districts. In continuation of these efforts, DPHE and PKSF have jointly initiated the current project BDRWSHHCD with the assistance of the World Bank for improving access to ‘safely-managed’ water supply and sanitation in selected areas of rural Bangladesh through human capital development.
To facilitate efficient and effective project Implementation, there is need for development of a comprehensive ‘Project Implementation Manual (PIM) as a precondition for project effectiveness. The PIM is the accumulated information of Project description, implementation modalities, financial management, procurement arrangement, social and environmental safeguard and monitoring and reporting. The implementation activities of both DPHE and PKSF will be guided by this PIM and this will serve as handbook for the implementation level staff.
Funded by
The World Bank, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) & Government of Bangladesh (GOB).
Project Development Objectives
Project Partners
This project will be financed by the Government of Bangladesh (GoB), AIIB, and World Bank. On behalf of government of the people’s republic of Bangladesh, the project will be implemented by the following partners as further described below:
Project Duration and Location
The Bangladesh Rural Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Human Capital Development Project will be implemented during 2021-2025. This project will be implemented in 182 Upazilas in 30 Districts, which have been chosen from the four Divisions where the two World Bank projects (either ISPPP or HSSP) are being implemented. These upazilas have been selected based on levels of water availability and quality, WASH coverage, and the quality of PO services.
Project Results:
Activities | Target as of September, 2024 | Achievement as of September, 2024 |
Household Water Loan | 169 | 71 |
Household Sanitation Loan | 980 | 575 |
Behavioral Change Communication Session (BCC) | - | 250 |

Muktagacha and Bhaluka Upazila of Mymensingh district and Sadar Upazila of Jamalpur district.